The menu system provides access to all of the main functions of the sequencer. All menus are grouped together into a single TOP MENU which is shown as 'Menu' on the STATUS BAR. Many of the options on each menu can be activated using a short-cut key ('hotkey'). The menus can also be operated using a mouse.

To open a menu, hold down the 'Alt' key and press the first letter of the menu's title. To open the FILE MENU, for example, you would press 'Alt-F'. On the left-hand side of a menu are the names of the available options. If an option has a hotkey, this is shown on the right. Many hotkeys consist of a single letter and this must be typed in upper or lower case, as shown. This means the hotkey 'F' is not the same as the hotkey 'f'.

To use an option, first move the selector bar with the up and down arrows to highlight it and then press 'ENTER'. Alternatively, many option names contain a highlighted letter which can be pressed to select them directly. Options can also be selected by pressing their hotkeys.

The range of available options on each menu at any given time depends upon the current view and the operating-mode of the sequencer. For example, the options concerned only with manipulating notes are only available when in NOTE VIEW and options for editing events are disabled while a sequence is playing. Menus cannot be opened in any of the event views while a sequence is playing, though many options can still be used by pressing their hotkeys.

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