This menu contains all other menus and is shown on the STATUS BAR as 'Menu'.

File - Alt-F

Opens the FILE MENU containing file-handling options.

View - Alt-V

Opens the VIEW MENU containing options for changing views.

Track - Alt-T

Opens the TRACK MENU containing options for manipulating entire tracks.

Block - Alt-B

Opens the BLOCK MENU containing options for manipulating sections of track.

Event - Alt-E

Opens the EVENT MENU containing options for manipulating events.

Options - Alt-O

Opens the OPTIONS MENU containing options for configuring BeatMaster.

Help - F1

Activates the on-line help feature which loads and displays the text in the Help files. The Help files should all be kept in the same subdirectory, the one specified for the default Help file in the Program Initialization file. Help can be activated at almost any time and displays the help for either the menu option you currently have highlighted, or for the sequencer view you are in. You can use the same navigation keys in Help as you can in TEXT FILE VIEW, as well as the hypertext links. Press the ESCAPE key to close Help.

The introduction contains more information about the help system.

Last Help - Alt-F1

Reactivates the Help system and displays the last Help text shown. The last twelve Help pages loaded are remembered by Help and can be reloaded by using this option.

Exit - Alt-X

Terminates the program. If your sequence has been modified and has not been saved, you are first given the option to save it. If the Save On Exit option on the OPTIONS MENU is enabled, the program initialization file is updated with the current program configuration before termination.

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