The options on this menu are concerned with the manipulation of entire tracks.

Start/Stop - SPACE

Alternately starts and stops playing the currently loaded sequence. When starting, the sequence begins from the start of the beat which currently contains the cursor. First the Initialization option on the OPTIONS MENU determines whether each track is initialized before playing commences. Next, any notes which are already on at the starting beat are automatically played and then, finally, the sequence begins playing. When stopping, the sequence is stopped immediately and any playing notes are silenced. While playing, the sequencer mode is set to 'Play'.

Many menu options cannot be used while a sequence is playing and so they are disabled until the sequence is stopped. The menus themselves are disabled in all of the event views while a sequence is playing, though many options are still available and can be activated by using their hotkeys.

Record - Ctrl-ENTER

Activates track-recording mode. Once the space-bar is pressed to confirm the command, all information received from any MIDI interface is recorded into the current track at the current cursor position. The current track must be empty. While recording, the sequencer mode is set to 'REC' and the recording track's status flag is set to 'R'. Once the recording is begun the cursor may be freely moved to other tracks; MIDI data will only be written to the current recording track. About 64K (65516 bytes) of MIDI data can be recorded and the memory indicator in the top-left corner of the display shows the amount of recording memory left as it gets used up. Press the space-bar to stop recording.

The MIDI keyboard emulator may be used during a recording. Any notes played using the emulator are recorded just as if they had arrived via MIDI-IN.

Edit: Copy/Clear - Alt-C

Copies the entire contents of the current track (both variables and MIDI data) into the track-clipboard. The contents of the track-clipboard then remain set until another track is copied or cut. If the copied track contains no track data, the track-clipboard is cleared.

Edit: Cut - Alt-U

Copies the entire contents of the current track (both variables and MIDI data) into the track-clipboard and then removes the track from the sequence. All tracks below the deleted track are then shifted up by one.

Edit: Paste - Alt-P

Pastes the contents of the track-clipboard into the current track. This is only allowed if the current track contains no MIDI data. If the track being pasted is on the same MIDI channel as an existing track which has different channel settings (see CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW), the channel for the pasted track is set to 'any'.

Edit: Join - Alt-J

Merges the track data stored in the track-clipboard with the data in the current track. The variables associated with the track are not affected.

Edit: Wipe - Alt-W

Erases the track data in the current track. The variables associated with the track are unaffected.

Edit: Insert - Alt-I

Inserts a blank track at position of the current track, moving it and all tracks below down by one. This is only allowed if the bottom track is empty.

Edit: Delete - Alt-D

Deletes the current track and moves all tracks below it up by one.

Edit: Stretch Time

Multiplies the times between all events in the current track by a given factor between two and eight. The effect of this is to increase the overall length of the track. The lengths of all notes in the track are increased by the same factor.

Edit: Compress Time

Divides the times between all events in the current track by a given factor between two and eight. The effect of this is to decrease the overall length of the track. The lengths of all notes in the track are decreased by the same factor.

Edit: Split Channels

Tracks contain channel events, which are individually addressed to different MIDI channels, and system events, which do not apply to any specific channel. This function creates up to seventeen new tracks using the MIDI data within the current track by placing the system events and the events for each channel into separate tracks. The original track is not affected by this process. Each new track has the same variable-settings as the original, except that the tracks created for specific channels have their channel settings set accordingly and the track containing only system events is set to no channel.

Edit: Undo - Alt-Z

Reverses the effect of the last track modification. If the Undo Buffer is enabled (see below), every time the MIDI data in a track is modified the original track data is stored in this buffer. The track can then be restored by using this option.

You can disable this option to free up some extra memory if you are having memory problems (particularly if you have no XMS RAM). See the UndoBuffer variable in the section on Program Initialization Files for details.

Settings: Name - n

Sets or modifies the name of the current track.

Settings: Interface - i

Selects an interface port for the current track from those defined in the MIDI Ports sub-menu on the OPTIONS MENU. All events in the track are sent to the specified interface port (A to D).

Settings: Channel - c

Prompts for the MIDI channel number (1 to 16) to use for the current track. If specified, all channel messages in the track will be sent to this channel. If you set the channel number to zero (no channel), channel messages will be sent to the MIDI channels specified in the messages themselves.

Settings: Program - p

Prompts for the initial program to send for the current track. The new value is also sent immediately to the MIDI port assigned to the track.

Settings: Loop Beat - Ctrl-L

Sets the beat at which the current track is re-started after reaching its end. You cannot change this value while the sequence is playing. This value is also available as a variable in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW.

Settings: Loop Count - x

Sets the number of times that the range of beats within the loop set for the current track are played. If this value is set to zero, the loop will be repeated indefinitely. You cannot change this value while the sequence is playing. This value is also available as a variable in TRACK VARIABLES VIEW.

Settings: Loop End - .

Calculates and sets a new value for the loop-count for the current track (see above) so that the track's loop will end at the beat indicated by the position of the cursor. If the cursor is not on a looping-beat (marked by an 'L') the loop ends at the next looping-beat after the cursor. If the loop would need more than 99 repetitions to reach the specified beat, the track's loop-count is set to zero (infinite).

Settings: Loop On/Off - l

Enables and disables the looping feature for the current track. When looping is enabled, the starting and ending beats for the loop are marked with an 'L' character. The first two 'L' characters mark the start and end of the actual section of the track which is to be repeated. The following 'L' characters mark the beats at which the loop is again restarted. If a non-zero value is set for the Loop Count, the final 'L' character marks the end of the final loop. Events in the looped section of track are shown in gray in event views. They are only 'shadows' of the actual events an cannot be modified directly. This option is not available while a sequence is playing.

Settings: Mute On/Off - m

Enables and disables the 'mute' feature for the current track. This prevents the playing of any notes in the track. This does not, however, prevent the sending of non-note events such as programs and controllers, since these settings must be kept current to allow the track to be un-muted while playing. Muted tracks are hidden in GLOBAL VIEW and their status flag is set to 'M'.

Settings: Solo On/Off - s

Enables and disables the 'solo' feature for the current track. Any number of tracks may be soloed. When any tracks are soloed, only notes in the soloed tracks will be played, though for the same reasons as described for the Mute option, non-note events in other tracks will still be sent. The status flag of the currently soloed track is set to 'S'.

Settings: All Solo Off - -

Disables the solo feature for all tracks. All soloed tracks are un-soloed.

Settings: Archive On/Off - a

Archiving a track causes all MIDI data it contains to be completely ignored while playing. No notes or events of any kind will be transmitted from the track. Unlike muted tracks, archived tracks cannot be un-archived while a sequence is playing. Archived tracks are hidden in GLOBAL VIEW and their status flag is set to 'A'.

Settings: Visual Filter - f

The visual filter option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW and allows the selection of a single type of MIDI event for display in that view. A list of event types is presented in the INPUT/OUTPUT LINE. Press the highlighted letter of the filter you require. Only events of the selected type will then be displayed in GLOBAL VIEW and, instead of the usual block-character, a letter indicating the event-type is used to mark each event. This letter also replaces the beat/division mode flag in the top-right corner of GLOBAL VIEW.

The setting of a visual filter does not affect the way a sequence is played. It affects only the way it is visually displayed in GLOBAL VIEW.

Beats/Bars or Beats/Zoom - TAB

Switches the track display mode for GLOBAL VIEW between BEAT mode and the current division mode (BAR or ZOOM). In BAR mode this option is displayed as 'Beats/Bars'. In ZOOM mode this option is displayed as 'Beats/Zoom'. A character in the top-right corner of the view indicates the current mode; a block indicates BEAT mode and left/right arrows indicate division mode. This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW.

Bar/Zoom - Shift-TAB

Switches the division mode, which affects the display of track data, between BAR mode, when beats are grouped into bars, and ZOOM mode, when beats are grouped into 'zoom' divisions. The number of beats set for the division in each mode is used as the number of beats to display in the event views when in that mode. The number of beats in each bar or zoom division is specified on the OPTIONS MENU.

Channel/Track - TAB

This option is only available in VARIABLES VIEW and is used to alternate between CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW and TRACK VARIABLES VIEW.

Goto Track - t

Prompts for a track number and then moves directly to that track.

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