This menu contains options for manipulating files (see also CUSTOM FILES).


Clears the current sequence from memory. If the sequence has not been saved since it was last modified, you are first given the option to save it.

Save - F2

Prompts for a filename and then saves the current sequence to disk using the format specified on the OPTIONS MENU. Only tracks which contain track data are saved; to save a track with only track or channel variables, insert then delete a beat to create an empty track. If you enter a name with wildcards, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be replaced.

This function is only included in the registered version of BeatMaster.

Open - F3

Clears the current sequence and loads a sequence from disk. If the current sequence has not been saved since it was last modified, you are first given the option to save it. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.

The name of each sequence file opened is automatically added to the top of a list at the bottom of the FILE MENU. You can select this filename option from the menu to quickly reload the file. Selecting a filename option causes it to be moved to the top of the list, so that the list always sorted in the order of most-recent to least-recent. Up to eight filenames can be added to the list. If a file is reloaded from this list, the cursor returns to its last track and beat position in the sequence.

Join - F4

Loads a sequence from disk an merges it with the current sequence. Loaded tracks are placed into any available empty tracks. A track is considered to be empty if it contains no actual track data. If the current sequence has not been saved since it was last modified, you are first given the option to save it to disk. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.

Copy - Alt-F2

Copies files on disk. Any file may be copied. You are prompted first for the name of the file to copy and then for the new name. If wildcards are included in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows multiple files to be selected and copied.

Rename - Alt-F3

Renames files on disk. Any file may be renamed. You are prompted first for the name of the file to rename and then for the new name. If wildcards are included in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows multiple files to be selected and renamed.

Delete - Alt-F4

Deletes selected files on disk. If wildcards are included in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows multiple files to be deleted.

Sequence Title

Sets the title of the current sequence. This is shown below the STATUS BAR in GLOBAL VIEW and VARIABLES VIEW and can be up to 64 characters long.

Playlist: Open - Ctrl-F3

Loads a playlist file from disk, replacing the currently loaded playlist. The songs in the current playlist are shown at the bottom of the Playlist sub-menu. You can load one of these songs by selecting it from this list.

Playlist: Edit - Ctrl-F4

This option can be used to load and edit the current playlist file using the built-in text editor. If any changes are made to the file, the sequencer automatically reloads its new contents.

Playlist: Play - Ctrl-F5

Begins loading and playing the sequences listed in the playlist sub-menu, starting with the sequence marked by a checkmark (the 'current sequence'). If the current sequence in the playlist is already loaded, the sequence is started from the current beat position. The playlist can be stopped at any time by pressing the spacebar. While the playlist is playing, a status flag is shown in the Status Bar.

Playlist: Top - Ctrl-F6

Loads the first sequence in the playlist.

Playlist: Last - Ctrl-F7

Loads the sequence before the current sequence in the playlist.

Playlist: Next - Ctrl-F8

Loads the sequence after the current sequence in the playlist.

Event Names: Load Keys/Programs/Controls

This option loads a specified names file from disk, replacing the currently loaded names. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, BeatMaster changes to FILE VIEW in the relevant mode and allows a file to be selected. Once a file is loaded, the relevant view is displayed.

Event Names: Edit Names

This option is only available in NOTE VIEW, PROGRAM VIEW and CONTROLLER VIEW. The sequencer keeps a list of names for the different events in each of these views. These name-lists are loaded from configuration files when the program starts and when the 'Load Names' option (above) is used. This option is used to load and edit the name-file used for the current view using the built-in text editor in TEXT FILE VIEW. If any changes are made to a name-file, the sequencer returns to the relevant view and loads the updated names.

SysEx: Load Events

Loads a specified sysex events file from disk, replacing the currently loaded sysexes. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected.

SysEx: Edit Events

This option can be used to load and edit the current sysex event file using the built-in text editor. If any changes are made to the file, the sequencer returns to the SYSEX EVENT VIEW and loads the contents of the updated file.

SysEx: Add SysEx File

This option adds a sysex filename to the list in SYSEX FILE VIEW. The file need not actually be present on disk at the time. The name is not added if it is already included in the list. If wildcards are included in the filename specified, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW in sysex file mode and allows a file to be selected.

SysEx: Remove SysEx File

This option is only available in SYSEX FILE VIEW. It allows the removal of selected entries in the system-exclusive filename list. The 'Unlisted' entry cannot be removed.

SysEx: Clear SysEx List

This option is only available in SYSEX FILE VIEW. It removes all entries from the system-exclusive filename list (except the 'Unlisted' entry).

SysEx: Receive SysEx

This option creates a sysex file using incoming MIDI data. It first prompts for the name of a sysex file to create and then waits to receive sysex data from the current MIDI-IN interface. Press space to terminate the process when the download is complete. The created sysex file may then be used in SYSEX FILE VIEW.

Palette: Load Palette

Loads a colour palette file and changes the display colours accordingly. If wildcards are included in the specified filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a palette file to be selected.

Palette: Edit Palette

Loads the current palette file into the built-in text editor. Any changes made to the file are immediately reflected in the display palette when saved.

Text File: Load Text - Shift-F3

This option is used to load a text file into TEXT FILE VIEW. You are first prompted for the name of a text file to load. The named file is then loaded into the text-editor where it can be viewed or modified. If any wildcards are included in the filename, the sequencer changes to FILE VIEW and allows a file to be selected. This option can be used to load configuration files for editing (see CUSTOM FILES), though there are also specialized options for loading and editing each different type of configuration file.

Text File: Edit Text - Ins

This option is only available in TEXT FILE VIEW. It activates the built-in text-editor to create a text file or to edit text loaded from a text file.

Text File: Clear Text - Shift-Del

This option resets the text-editor and is only available in TEXT FILE VIEW.

FM Instruments

As well as using the MIDI interface provided by a sound card to communicate with an external MIDI device, BeatMaster can also use the sound card's own FM chip to emulate a 16-channel, 9-voice polyphonic MIDI synthesizer. The definitions for the instrument voices can be loaded from Sound Blaster format instrument bank (.IBK) files and song (.CMF) files.

This option loads up to 128 FM instrument definitions from any .IBK or .CMF file. The defined instruments can be selected using normal program-change events by any tracks which are set to use the sound card FM interface. The MIDI message handling capabilities of the synthesizer emulation are described in a MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHART.

File Mode - F5

This is a short-cut option which allows the direct selection of a specific file mode for FILE VIEW. You are presented with a list of available file modes in the INPUT/OUTPUT line. Select the mode you require by pressing the highlighted letter. The files listed in FILE VIEW will then be interpreted according to the new mode.

File Mask - F6

This option is only available in FILE VIEW. It allows you to change the file-specification used to select the files to be listed in FILE VIEW without changing the current file mode (see above).

Sort List - F7

This option is only available in FILE VIEW. It allows the sorting of listed files by various methods. You are first presented with a list of attributes that files can be sorted by. These are a file's name, extension, size, and the date and time of it's last update. You then specify whether to sort into ascending or descending order. The current sorting method is shown at the top-right of the view. The default sorting method is 'NAME ASCENDING'.

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