The options on this menu are concerned with manipulating individual events.

Insert Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event - Ins

This option inserts a single event of the indicated type into the current track at the position of the cursor. The actual form of the option, and thus the type of event inserted, depends upon the current view. In GLOBAL VIEW the option inserts either one beat or the number of beats in a division, depending on the current track display mode. In NOTE VIEW and the other event views a single note or event is inserted with the current default settings, shown at the top-right of each event view.

Delete Bar/Zoom/Beat/Note/Event - Del

This option is the opposite of the 'Insert Bar...' option above. It removes a single event of the indicated type from the current track at the position of the cursor.

Insert Beats/Bars/Zooms - Shift-Ins

Inserts a specified number of the indicated event type (which depends on the current zoom-mode) into the current track at the position of the cursor. This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW.

Delete Beats/Bars/Zooms - Shift-Del

This option is the opposite of the 'Insert Bars...' option above. It removes a specified number of the indicated event type from the current track at the position of the cursor. This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW.

Start Tick

Sets the starting time of a note or the time of an event in either beats and ticks or beats and beat-divisions (depending on the current Inc/Div setting).


Sets the length of the current note (by moving the end of the note) or the default note-length in either beats and ticks or beats and beat-divisions (depending on the current Inc/Div setting). This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.


Changes the key-number (or pitch) of the current note in NOTE VIEW, the key- number of the current key-aftertouch event in KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW, or the controller number of the current controller in CONTROLLER VIEW.

On Velocity

Sets either the note-on velocity of the current note or the default note-on velocity. This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.

Off Velocity

Sets either the note-off velocity of a currently highlighted note, or the default note-off velocity. Many MIDI devices do not support actual note-off velocities and will interpret all values greater than zero as if they were maximum velocities. Using a note-off velocity of zero implies the maximum velocity value (127) and can improve data-storage and play-time efficiency by taking advantage of a special MIDI feature called running-status. This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.


Changes the value of a currently highlighted event.

Parameter Value

This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW. It changes the value of the current parameter of the currently highlighted system-exclusive event.


Changes the MIDI channel of the currently highlighted note or event or sets the default channel for a note or event.

Edit Text

This option is only available in TEXT EVENT VIEW. It activates the text- editor to allow the entry or modification of the text for a text-event.

Note Copy - Ctrl-N

If the cursor is currently highlighting a note, the default note settings (length, velocities and channel) used when inserting a note are set to the settings of that note. If no note is currently highlighted by the cursor, the default note settings are reset to their system-default values. These values may be specified in a program initialization file.

Units - u

Alternates the units used to express time-values in the various event views between tick-increments (Inc) and beat-divisions (Div). In 'Inc' mode, all times are represented in beats and ticks. In 'Div' mode all times are given in beats and divisions of a beat.

Increment - i

Alternates the mode which determines the size of the step used to move the cursor along the time scale in the various event views between normal mode (one character) and high-resolution mode (one tick).

Echo On/Off - e

Enables and disables the feature which causes notes to be played when they are highlighted by the cursor. This option is only available in NOTE VIEW.

Switch Scale - TAB

Changes the format of the scales used in NOTE VIEW, PROGRAM VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW.

Global/Single - ENTER

This option is only available in CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY AFTERTOUCH VIEW. It alternates these views between their 'global' and 'single' modes.

Global/Parameter - ENTER

This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW and is used to alternate between these two views.

Events/Files - TAB

This option is only available in SYSEX VIEW and is used to alternate between SYSEX EVENT VIEW or SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW and SYSEX FILE VIEW.

Parameter Up - Shift-PgUp

This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW. It changes to the next parameter in a system-exclusive event.

Parameter Down - Shift-PgDn

This option is only available in SYSEX EVENT VIEW and SYSEX PARAMETER VIEW. It changes to the prior parameter in a system-exclusive event.

Send SysEx - Ctrl-X

This option is only available in SYSEX VIEW. It causes the current system- exclusive event or file, or the one indicated by the cursor, to be sent immediately to the MIDI interface associated with the current track.

Initialize - Ctrl-I

Immediately transmits all of the initial controller settings specified in CHANNEL VARIABLES VIEW and any non-note events prior to the beat indicated by the current position of the cursor, thereby manually preparing the sequence to be played from that point. This operation can optionally be performed automatically whenever a sequence is played. The Initialization option on the OPTIONS MENU determines whether or not automatic initialization is done.

All Quiet - Ctrl-Q

Sends both 'all notes off' and 'reset all controllers' to all channels on all active MIDI interfaces.

All Notes Off

Sends an 'all notes off' message to all channels on all active interfaces.

Reset Controllers

Sends a 'reset all controllers' message to all channels on all active MIDI interfaces.

Local Control

Allows the sending of a controller which either enables or disables the local control setting of a MIDI device. This controls the connection between the device's keyboard and its sound-generator. With local control off, the MIDI data from the keyboard is sent only to MIDI-OUT and is not played by the sound-generator, which will only respond to messages received from MIDI-IN. This allows a sequencer to act as an interface between the keyboard and the sound-generator and control the information that is passed through.

You are prompted to select either 'on' or 'off'. A controller of the type specified is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the current track.

Omni Mode

Allows the sending of a controller which enables or disables the 'omni' mode setting of a MIDI device. This controls how the device will respond to MIDI messages intended for specific channels. With omni on, channel messages for all sixteen channels are responded to. With omni off, only messages for the channels selected by the Poly Mode setting (below) will be responded to.

You are prompted to specify either 'on' or 'off'. A controller of the type specified is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the current track.

Poly Mode

Allows the sending of a controller which enables or disables the 'poly' mode setting of a MIDI device. This controls how a MIDI device allocates its voices to notes. With poly-on, the device allocates its voices using its own internal polyphonic algorithm. With poly-off, only one voice is used for each channel. Poly-off is also referred to as mono-on.

You are first prompted to specify either 'on' or 'off'. If poly mode is being disabled (thereby enabling mono mode), you are then asked to specify the number of channels to use for voice messages. A controller of the specified type is then sent to the channel and interface associated with the current track.

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