The options on this menu are used to manipulate selected sections (blocks) of MIDI data within a track.

Block Operations

The options on the BLOCK MENU are provided for the manipulation of track data in a variety of ways. Block options operate on the data in a specific track and within a specified number of complete beats. In GLOBAL VIEW they affect all events within the marked beats. In event views they affect only the events of the type displayed by the view. In GLOBAL VIEW the marked beats in the currently marked track are highlighted. In event views the marked beats in the marked track are highlighted at the top of the event data display.

In views which display events that have both a number and a value (NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW) the block functions can operate on the current event number or on a 'range' of event numbers. If the range is disabled (the default) block operations in these views only affect the events that have the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor. If a range is specified, the event numbers within the range are highlighted and block operations affect all events within the range. In all of the other event views the block manipulation functions affect all events of the type displayed by the view.

Calculations Sub-Menu

Some of the editing operations on the BLOCK MENU involve the calculation of new values for notes and events. These functions use a sub-menu which offers several ways to calculate the new values.

    Fixed Value        Set all values to a specific value
Fixed Offset Add the specified offset to all values
Random Value Set all values to a randomly generated value
Random Offset Add a randomly generated offset to all values
Scale Up/Down Increase or decrease all values by a percentage
Invert Values Reverse all current values around an axis value
Custom Formula Set all values using a special formula
Most of these options allow values to be modified in a particular way using a single value specified by you. The 'Custom Formula' option allows more flexibility in calculating new values. It requires three values (A, P & RND) to be specified for use in the following formula:
new_value = A + (old_value x P%) +/- [0..RND]

In human language this formula reads 'take P% of the current value, then add the value A and then calculate and add a random number between -RND and +RND'.

You supply the three values for A, P and RND. These values allow the formula to calculate new values in variety of different ways.

Adds a fixed offset to the value calculated by P and RND. This can be used to set a specific value (by setting P to zero) or an offset from the current value (by setting P to 100).
Adds a percentage of the current value to the value calculated by A and RND. This can be used to decrease (set P less than 100) or increase (set P greater than 100) the current value.
Adds a random offset between -RND and +RND to the value calculated by A and P.

The following shows some of the effects that can be achieved using different values of A and P. The value of RND is assumed here to be zero.

    A        P       Effect
   ----     ----     ---------------------------------------------------
     64        0     Set all values to 64
     10      100     Add 10 to all values
    -20      100     Subtract 20 from all values
      0      110     Increase all values by 10%
      0      200     Double all values
      0       50     Half all values
     10       90     Decrease all values by 10% and add 10
    MAX     -100     Invert all values (MAX=maximum value of A, eg. 127)
Calculated values which are out of the allowable range are set to the minimum or maximum value. In an event view you can choose to set all events within a range or just the event number indicated by the position of the cursor.

Set Start - Ctrl-[

Sets the starting beat of a block to the current beat in the current track. If the starting beat of the block is before the ending beat, the beats between the start and end are highlighted.

Set End - Ctrl-]

Sets the ending beat of the block to the current beat in the current track. If the starting beat of the block is before the ending beat, the beats between the start and end are highlighted.

Beats - Ctrl-B

Sets the length of the block to a specified number of beats.

Track - Ctrl-T

Sets the start of the block to the first beat and the end of the block to the last beat of the current track, thereby 'blocking' the entire track.

Move - Ctrl-M

Moves the start of the block to the current beat in the current track without changing the block length.

Zero - Ctrl-Z

Disables and un-marks the current block by setting the ending beat to the starting beat. This does not affect the contents of the block-clipboard.

Range Top - {

This option is only available in NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW. It sets the maximum event number for block operations to the number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Range Bottom - }

This option is only available in NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW. It sets the minimum event number for block operations to the number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Range On/Off - Ctrl-R

This option is only available in NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW. It enables or disables the block-range feature which allows selection of events with event-numbers within a specified range for block operations. If the range is disabled when using block-operations in any of these views, the operations affect only events with the number indicated by the cursor.

Copy/Clear - Ctrl-C

If a block is marked, this option copies track data within the beats marked by the block into the block-clipboard. In GLOBAL VIEW all events are copied. In an event view only the events of the type shown by the view are copied. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW, this function copies either all events within the marked range (if the range is enabled) or only events with the number indicated by the current position of the cursor (if the range is disabled). In the latter case the copied events are inserted (using 'join' or 'overwrite') with the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor (ie. they can be transposed).

The contents of the block-clipboard remain set until another block is copied or cut, or until the block-clipboard is cleared by using this option with no block marked. A status flag in the Status Bar indicates that data has been copied from the currently marked block.

Cut - Ctrl-U

In GLOBAL VIEW this option copies all MIDI data within the beats marked by the block into the block-clipboard and then removes the beats from the track. In an event view, only events of the type shown by the view are copied and removed. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW, either a range of event numbers or the current event number is cut according to the same strategy as for the 'Copy' command (above).

Paste - Ctrl-P

This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW. It inserts the contents of the block-clipboard into the current track at the current beat. You are prompted for the number of copies of the clipboard data to insert. Any MIDI data at or after the current beat is moved to the end of the inserted beats.

Overwrite - Ctrl-O

Overwrites the contents of the current track with the contents of the block- clipboard, starting at the current beat. You are prompted for the number of copies of the data to insert. In GLOBAL VIEW all events in the clipboard are inserted into the track and any MIDI data within the beats covered by the inserted beats is lost. In an event view only events of the type shown by the view are inserted and any existing events of the type inserted are removed.

The actual behaviour of this option depends on the type of data copied to the clipboard (see 'Copy' above). If the block-clipboard contains all event types (ie. copied or cut while in GLOBAL VIEW), this option inserts all events if in GLOBAL VIEW or only the event types shown by the current view when in an event view. If only events of a single number were copied into the clipboard when in NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW, these events are transposed to the number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Join - Ctrl-J

Merges the MIDI data stored in the block-clipboard with the existing MIDI data in the current track, starting at the current beat. You are prompted for the number of copies of the data to insert. In GLOBAL VIEW all events in the clipboard are joined. In an event view only events of the type shown by the view are joined. If any MIDI events cannot be merged (ie. overlapping notes or duplicate event-types in a tick) the original events are left unaltered.

The actual behaviour of this option depends on the type of data copied to the clipboard and is similar to the 'Overwrite' option above.

Wipe - Ctrl-W

Erases MIDI data within the beats marked by the block without removing the beats themselves. In GLOBAL VIEW all events are removed. In an event view only events of the type shown by the view are removed. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW this function removes only events of the number indicated by the current position of the cursor (if the range is disabled) or all events within the marked range (if enabled).

Delete - Ctrl-D

This option is only available in GLOBAL VIEW. It completely removes the beats currently marked by the block. Any notes which overlap the start or end of the block are cut.


This option is only available in NOTE VIEW. It changes the lengths of all notes which are completely within the marked block. Several different ways of calculating new lengths are provided by a sub-menu.


Transposes the event numbers of certain types of events which have both a number and a value. These are the events for notes, controllers, and key- aftertouch. All events of the type specified which are completely within the marked block (and range, if enabled) are affected. Any events with numbers transposed out of the allowable range (0 to 127) are lost. You can choose to transpose all events within a range or only the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Transposing the numbers of events has no effect on the values of the events. The following two options are provided for changing note velocities and event values.


This option is only available in NOTE VIEW. It changes the on and/or off velocities of notes which are completely within the marked block. A sub-menu first allows you to choose to set either note-on, note-off, or both on and off velocities. Several different ways of calculating new values are provided by another sub-menu. If a range of note-numbers is marked, all notes with numbers within the range are affected, otherwise only notes with the number indicated by the current position of the cursor are affected.

Event Value

This option is only available in certain event views. It changes the values of events within the marked block. Several different ways of calculating new lengths are provided by a sub-menu. If a range is marked, all events with numbers within the range are affected, otherwise only events with the number indicated by the position of the cursor are affected.


Rounds the starting time of all notes which are completely within the marked block towards or away from the nearest division of a beat. You are prompted for the division to use and also a 'strength' value. This is a percentage which indicates how far towards or away from the nearest division each note should be moved. For example, a strength value of 100% will round exactly to the nearest division, whereas a strength of 50% will only round halfway. Negative strength values can be used to increase (rather than decrease) the difference between the start of a note and the nearest division. Using a strength of -100% would double the difference and using a strength of -50% would increase it by half. Any notes moved to a position which overlaps another note on the same channel are removed. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW you can choose to quantize all events within a range or only the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor.


Randomly moves the starting time of notes within the marked block. You are prompted for the maximum number of ticks a note may be moved. Each note within the block is then moved either forwards or backwards in time by a random number of ticks between zero and the number entered. Any notes moved to a position which overlaps another note on the same channel are removed. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW you can choose to humanize all events within a range or only the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Tick Shift

Moves the starting time of events within the marked block by a specified number of ticks. In GLOBAL VIEW all events are shifted. In an event view only events of the type shown by the view are shifted. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW you can choose to shift all events within a range or only the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

Set Channel

Sets the MIDI channel for channel-events in the marked block. In GLOBAL VIEW all channel events are set. In an event view only events of the type shown by the view are set. In NOTE VIEW, CONTROLLER VIEW and KEY-AFTERTOUCH VIEW you can choose to set the channel for all events within a range or only the event number indicated by the current position of the cursor.

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