IM250 Project

Project: Web-browser & HTML-editor application in Java.

Supervisor: Sebastian Danicic

Online Documentation

A brief overview of the project.

1. Introduction
An outline of the project and the tasks to be completed.

2. Informal Specifications
An informal description of system requirements and implementation.

3. Formal Specifications
A formal specification in Z of the system that the application will implement.

4. Using Java
A discussion of the influence of the Java language on the design of the application, including a comparison of Java with C.

5. Program Structure
An overview of the structure of the program.

6. The library Package
A reference for the library package.

7. The library.html Package
A reference for the library.html package.

8. Conclusions
Conclusions on the implementation of the project.

A: Resources
A list of the materials and individuals that assisted in the development of the project.

B: User Guide
Instructions for using the application.

C: Source Code
The Java source code for the application.

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