Webber: A Website Construction Application


Much of the information used to develop this project was obtained from sites on the Internet. Sun Microsystems' JavaSoft website (http://java.sun.com) was a particularly invaluable source, providing both the Java Development Kit and its complete documentation. The following is a list of the additional resources used.


Title.....:	Teach Yourself Java
Author....:	Chris Wright
Publisher.:	Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN......:	0-340-70465-9

Title.....:	Java In A Nutshell (2nd Edition)
Author....:	David Flanagan
Publisher.:	O'Reilly
ISBN......:	1-56592-262-X

Title.....:	Java Fundamental Classes Reference
Authors...:	Mark Grand & Jonathan Knudsen
Publisher.:	O'Reilly
ISBN......:	1-56592-241-7

Title.....:	Java AWT Reference
Author....:	John Zukowski
Publisher.:	O'Reilly
ISBN......:	1-56592-240-9

Title.....:	Formal Specification Using Z
Author....:	David Lightfoot
Publisher.:	Macmillan
ISBN......:	0-333-54408-0

Title.....:	The Way Of Z
Author....:	Jonathan Jacky
Publisher.:	Cambridge University Press
ISBN......:	0-521-55976-6


The author appreciated the support and assistance of the following during during the development of this project; Sebastian Danicic for supervising and supporting the project and for allowing the flexibility to re-start the whole project from scratch half-way through; Chris Wright for his instruction and for stimulating sustained consideration of the various techniques for programming the Internet; and Maya Milankovic-Atkinson for her advice on object-oriented programming techniques and for her support when the pressure was on.

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