This program was written in 1991 as part of a college project. The project requirement was to implement an algorithm for solving equations using Reverse Polish (postfix) notation. I just went right overboard and developed the algorithm into a complete language interpreter based on the Lisp/Logo model. What am I like?
Logo is a simple programming language that was designed to make programming fun, especially for kids. The original Logo was written to control a small robot (the 'turtle') which was equipped with a pen. Using a set of simple commands (LEFT, RIGHT, FORWARD, BACKWARD, etc) the turtle could be made to draw pictures. HiLogo simulates eight of these turtles on the screen.
To complement the ability to draw pictures, HiLogo also includes functions for manipulating words and lists (strings). These functions were derived from a programming language called LISP (from 'LISt-Processing'). The standard arithmetic operations are also supported along with some numeric and mathematical functions.
The HiLogo program provides an integrated development environment for creating and executing Lisp/Logo programs. It supports all of the basic language constructs and mechanisms, including variables, process flow-control (loops etc), file-handling and recursion.
The HiLogo User Guide describes the programming language features of the HiLogo program.