
TEXT FILE VIEW is a simple implementation of an ASCII text-file viewer and editor. It can be used to display text files and to create and edit the configuration and data files used by the sequencer. It is also used to enter text events into a track in TEXT EVENT VIEW.

The top line in TEXT FILE VIEW shows the name of the view, the filename of the currently loaded text file and the cursor line and column. The remaining area of the screen displays the text itself.

To load a text file select the Load Text option from the FILE MENU. The file is initially displayed in 'viewer' mode, which allows you to move around the text but not make any changes. The description of the TEXT VIEWER/EDITOR below explains how to create or edit a text file.

TEXT FILE VIEW can also be used to edit the configuration files used in some event views by selecting the 'View/Edit ...' options on the FILE MENU.


The following applies to the use of the text editor in both TEXT EVENT VIEW and TEXT FILE VIEW. By default, text in both views is displayed in 'viewer' mode and cannot be modified. To create or edit a text event or file, press the 'Insert' key. This changes from 'viewer' mode into 'edit' mode. You may then enter or modify your text.

When you have finished editing, press the ESCAPE key. You are first asked if you wish to keep any changes you have made. If you reply 'No', all changes are discarded and the text is restored to its condition prior to entering edit mode. If you press ESCAPE, you are returned to edit mode and can continue editing the text. Replying 'Yes' causes the original text to be replaced with the modified text.

In TEXT EVENT VIEW the text is then placed into the current track as an event. This text is then displayed whenever the event is highlighted by the cursor.

In TEXT FILE VIEW you are first prompted for the filename to save the text to and the text is then saved to that file. If you wish to keep the modified text in the viewer but don't yet want it permanently saved to disk, press ESCAPE at the filename prompt. The text will be kept in memory but will be lost if another text file is loaded or when you exit the program. If, later on, you decide you wish to save the text, return to edit mode and press ESCAPE. You will again be given the option to save the text to disk.

You can search for a word or phrase while in the text viewer or the editor (and in 'HELP') by typing CTRL-F (find). Type the text you wish to find and press ENTER. Upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as the same.

The search begins from the current position of the text cursor. If the text is found, the cursor moves to its start. You can repeat the search to find the next occurrence of the same text by typing CTRL-N (next).

The table below shows the function keys available in the text viewer/editor.

                           TEXT VIEWER/EDITOR KEYS

Up - One line up Down - One line down Left - One character left Right - One character right Ctrl-Left - One word left Ctrl-Right - One word right Home - Start of line End - End of line Ctrl-Home - Top of page Ctrl-End - Bottom of page PgUp - One page up PgDn - One page down Ctrl-PgUp - Top of document Ctrl-PgDn - Bottom of document Shift-Up - Scroll up Shift-Down - Scroll down Ctrl-F - Find text Ctrl-N - Find next text
------------------------------------------------------------------ Editor ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ins - Enter edit mode Escape - Exit from edit mode Backspace - Delete left Delete - Delete right Enter - Insert line Ctrl-Bkspc - Delete line

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