GLOBAL VIEW - G or Escape

Global View displays the overall content of each track in the sequencer. The view is divided into two sides. On the left-hand side several key items of information about each track are displayed. On the right-hand side the MIDI data contained by the track is displayed. You can change to Global View from any other view by pressing ESCAPE as well as by pressing 'G'.


   Number       The track number.  Tracks are numbered from 0 at the top of
                the screen to 39 at the bottom.
Name The name of the track. This can be up to 64 characters long, though only the first 23 characters are normally visible.
Interface A letter indicating the MIDI interface port to use for each track. Up to four independent MIDI interface ports may be controlled by the program using the settings given in the OPTIONS MENU.
Channel The MIDI channel override to use when playing the track. If no channel is set for a track (channel=0), all MIDI channel messages in the track are sent to the channels specified in the messages themselves. Setting a channel will ensure that all channel messages are sent to the specified channel.
Program The initial program-change to send when playing the track.
Status Indicates the current status of the track, as follows:
- Track is empty
 Track contains MIDI data
L Track is looped
The following status-characters override the previous:
S Track is soloed
M Track is muted
A Track is archived
R Track is recording


The right-hand side of GLOBAL VIEW is the track data area. This shows the data in each track running horizontally across the screen. Each character in the track data area represents an equal number of beats. Changing the number of beats per character acts like the zoom-lens on a camera, allowing a closer or wider view of a sequence. This affects both the accuracy of the display and the number of beats shown on the screen at once.

The data for all tracks start at the same beat (beat zero). However, each track may have a different ending beat and this is marked by a special EOT (End-Of-Track) character (a vertical bar). All beats before the EOT marker are considered to be part of the track, even if they do not contain events. All beats after the EOT marker are considered void and not within the track.

Void beats are indicated in the track data area by a dot character. Beats which are within tracks normally show either a horizontal line if they are empty (contain no events) or a small block character if they are not empty. Beats which mark the starting and ending points of track loops are shown with an 'L' character.

Track Display Modes

The track data can be shown in two general modes which use different settings for the number of beats per character.

                             TRACK DISPLAY MODES  
                  |                                       |
     ----------------------------           ---------------------------- 
      BEAT MODE                              DIVISION MODE               
     ----------------------------           ---------------------------- 
      Shows track data using a               Shows track data using a    
      scale of one beat per                  scale of one or more beats  
      character (zoom-in).                   per character (zoom-out).   
     ----------------------------           ----------------------------                              TRACK DISPLAY MODES

Press TAB to switch between BEAT MODE and DIVISION MODE (ie. zoom in and out). The current mode is indicated by both the format of the Sequence Timer and a character in the top right-hand corner of GLOBAL VIEW. This character is normally either a small box when in BEAT MODE or a pair of horizontal arrows when in DIVISION MODE. If a Visual Filter has been set, this character is instead a letter indicating the currently active filter; lower-case when in BEAT MODE and upper-case when in DIVISION MODE. The scale running along the top of the track data area marks the beats or divisions.

Division Modes

In BEAT MODE track data is always displayed using a scale of just one beat per character. In DIVISION MODE however the number of beats per character can be changed and there are two independent settings available for this. In DIVISION MODE track data can displayed using either one of these settings. This means that there are in fact two division modes.

                               DIVISION MODES  
                  |                                       |
  -----------------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
   BAR MODE                              ZOOM MODE                           
  -----------------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
   Each character represents a bar.      Each character represents a 'zoom'. 
   The number of beats in a bar can      The number of beats in a zoom can   
   be changed on the OPTIONS MENU        be changed on the OPTIONS MENU.     
   and is saved with the sequence.       It is not saved with the sequence,  
                                         but allows the track display scale  
                                         to be changed without changing the  
                                         number of beats in a bar.           
  -----------------------------------   ------------------------------------ 
Press SHIFT-TAB to switch between the two division modes. The sequencer is always considered to be in one mode or the other, even when in BEAT MODE. This is because the current division mode setting is used as the number of beats to display in the EVENT VIEWS. The format of the Sequence Timer also depends on the current mode.

Track Display Characters

The data in a track always starts from beat zero, initially at the far left of the track data area, and runs horizontally towards (and past) the right- hand side of the screen. Initially all tracks are set to NULL; that is, they contain no MIDI data and will not be saved when the sequence is saved. Only tracks which contain at least an End-Of-Track marker will be saved.

Several different characters are used to indicate the content of each bar or division. The characters in the track data area can represent the following:


  Up                Moves up to the previous track.

  Down              Moves down to the next track.

  Shift-PgUp        Moves to the top track of the display.

  Shift-PgDn        Moves to the bottom track of the display.

  Left              Moves left one beat in BEAT mode, or by one division in
                    BAR or ZOOM mode.

  Right             Moves right one beat in BEAT mode, or by one division in
                    BAR or ZOOM mode.

  Ctrl-Left         Moves left one division in BEAT mode, or four divisions
                    in BAR or ZOOM mode.

  Ctrl-Right        Moves right one division in BEAT mode, or four divisions
                    in BAR or ZOOM mode.

  Ctrl-PgUp         Scrolls the track display left by one beat in BEAT mode,
                    or by one division in BAR or ZOOM mode.

  Ctrl-PgDn         Scrolls the track display right by one beat in BEAT mode,
                    or by one division in BAR or ZOOM mode.

  PgUp              Moves the track display left by one page.

  PgDn              Moves the track display right by one page.

  Home              Moves to the left of the track display.

  End               Moves to the right of the track display.

  Ctrl-Home         Moves to the first beat.

  Ctrl-End          Moves to the end of the current track.

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