
This view provides access to files stored on disk. The bottom line of this view shows the number of files listed, the total number of bytes contained by the listed files, the total capacity of the disk, and the number of available bytes on the disk. On the top line (just after the view's title) the current directory and filename mask is shown. The filename mask is used to select filenames from the disk to be included in the list and can be changed using the File Mask option on the FILE MENU. To the right of this, the current sorting method is indicated. Listed files may be sorted by name, extension, size, or date/time, and in either ascending or descending order. The option for selecting a sorting method is included on the FILE MENU in FILE VIEW.

Between the top and bottom lines the file list is displayed. For each file listed, the name, extension and size and the date and time the file was last updated is given. Directories are also included in the list and are marked '<dir>' in the 'size' column. An entry named '..' (two dots) is included if the listing is of a sub-directory (not the 'root' or top-directory). This is the entry for the next directory up the directory heirarchy, the 'parent' of the current directory. Selecting a directory entry causes FILE VIEW to list that directory, allowing files to be accessed anywhere on a disk.

File View Modes

FILE VIEW can operate in many different modes, depending on the type of file operation in progress. The way a file is interpreted by the program is determined by the current file mode. The current file mode is indicated (while in FILE VIEW) by the sequencer-mode indicator on the status bar.

Once FILE VIEW is opened in a particular mode it will stay in that mode until another one is selected. For example, after opening a sequence file (placing FILE VIEW in 'Open' mode) you can go back to FILE VIEW by pressing 'F' and it will still be in 'Open' mode, allowing you to open another sequence file. This is important to remember when opening a file after using 'Delete' mode!

You can set the FILE VIEW mode directly, without having to select the relevant menu option, by using the File Mode short-cut option on the FILE MENU. This presents an abbreviated list of all modes in the INPUT/OUTPUT line from which you can select a mode by pressing a highlighted letter.

Each file mode is described below. The default filename extensions assumed for files in each mode are shown in brackets.

 Save  [.BMS]   Saving the current sequence
 Open  [.BMS]   Opening (loading) a sequence
 Join  [.BMS]   Joining a sequence with the currently loaded sequence
 Copy  [.BMS]   Copying files
 Ren   [.BMS]   Renaming files
 Del   [.BMS]   Deleting files
 Text  [.TXT]   Loading a text file
 Keys  [.KEY]   Loading a key (drum/effect) name file (see NOTE VIEW)
 Prog  [.PRG]   Loading a program name file (see PROGRAM VIEW)
 Ctrl  [.CTL]   Loading a controller name file (see CONTROLLER VIEW)
 Sxe   [.SXE]   Loading a system-exclusive events file (see SYSEX EVENT VIEW)
 Syx   [.SYX]   Adding a system-exclusive file (see SYSEX FILE VIEW)
 FM    [.CMF]   Adding a FM instrument definition file
 Pal   [.PAL]   Loading a colour palette file

Selecting Files

The FILE MENU provides all of the options for selecting files of each type. On choosing one of these options you are first prompted for a filename. You may then choose to type the name of a specific file, after which the operation will execute immediately using that file. Alternatively, you can enter a filename mask using normal DOS wildcards ('?' and '*'). This automatically changes the sequencer to FILE VIEW in the mode relevant to the operation and displays any files which fit the mask.

To select a file for some operation, first move the file selector bar to the required file by using the cursor (arrow) keys or by pressing the first letter of its name (in lower-case). Then press 'Enter' to activate the operation specified by the current file mode using that file. If you are using a mouse, the cursor can be moved to a file by clicking on it. Click the file again to select it and once more to confirm the selection. You can scroll up and down the file list by clicking on the arrows in the bottom corners of the screen.

Selecting a file in 'Open' mode will cause that file to be interpreted and loaded as sequence file, whereas selecting a file in 'Pal' mode will cause it to be interpreted and loaded as a colour palette file. The name and extension of the file have no effect on the way it is interpreted. See CUSTOM FILES for more information about the special files used by the program.

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