BeatMaster PC-MIDI Sequencer

BeatMaster Support

This page is provided to give information and answers to questions from you lot, the good people of the Internet.


Quite a lot of research went into producing BeatMaster. The following titles proved to be particularly invaluable sources of information on PC system architecture.

The Harmony Central website is a site dedicated to music and musicians and was the source for information about the MIDI specification, PC sound-cards and other MIDI-music related stuff.

The Heart of BeatMaster
The heart of a sequencer, the 'engine' that drives it along, is its clock. This page shows the C code that BeatMaster uses to intercept and modify the operation of the PC timer-tick interrupt.

Q&A - Synchronization
A question and answer about MIDI ports, timer-interrupts and note scheduling.

Any comments, questions or suggestions about BeatMaster?

Eamonn Martin is at

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