IM269 Coursework 3:

// IM269 - Coursework 3: RMI Client/Server
// Semester A, 7th December 1998
// Eamonn Martin (BSc Computing)
// Student ID: 96/D59682

// RMI Hit Counter Library

package hitter;


// General-purpose static methods
public class Lib {

	// Read a line from an input stream (no newline appended)
	public static String readLine(InputStream i) throws IOException {
		String s = "";
		for (int c; (c =!=-1; s += (char)c)
			if ((char)c=='\n') return s;	// Possibly an empty line
		return (s.length() > 0) ? s : null;	// Null if nothing read

	// Write a line to an output stream (newline appended)
	public static void writeLine(String s, OutputStream o) throws IOException {
		for (int c=0; c < s.length(); ++c) o.write(s.charAt(c));

	// Return the integer value of a string (or 0)
	public static int intValue(String s) {
		int c = 0;
		try { c = (Integer.decode(s)).intValue(); }
		catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
		return c;

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