Webber: A Website Construction Application


// General library

package library;

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Lib {
	// Return the index of the next character c after pos in chars
	public static int nextChar(char[] chars, int pos, char c) {
		while (pos<chars.length) if (chars[pos]!=c) ++pos; else break;
		return pos;

	// Return index of next non-whitespace character after pos in chars
	public static int skipWhitespace(char[] chars, int pos) {
		for (; pos<chars.length; ++pos)
			if (!Character.isWhitespace(chars[pos])) break;
		return pos;

	// Return the index of the first string matching s in array
	public static int getStringIndex(String[] array, String s) {
		return getStringIndex(array, s, false);
	public static int getStringIndex(String[] array, String s, boolean ignoreCase) {
		for (int i=0; i < array.length; ++i)
			if (!ignoreCase) { if (s.equals(array[i])) return i; }
			else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(array[i])) return i;
		return -1;	// Not found

	// Return the next string from pos in s delimited by characters start and end
	public static String getDelimitedString(String s, int pos, char start, char end) {
		int i = pos, len = s.length();
		for (; i < len; ++i) if (s.charAt(i)==start) break;
		if (i==len) return null;			// No start delimiter?
		for (pos = ++i; i < len; ++i) if (s.charAt(i)==end) break;
		if (i==len) return null;			// No end delimiter?
		return s.substring(pos, i);			// Un-delimited string

	// Return the next quoted string from pos in s
	public static String getQuotedString(String s, int pos) {
		return getDelimitedString(s, pos, '"', '"');

	// Get the name of a file using a FileDialog
	public static String getFilename(FileDialog f, String filename) {
		if (filename!=null) f.setFile(filename);
		if ((filename = f.getFile())==null) return null;
		return f.getDirectory() + filename;

	// Resolve a relative path using specified base path (fixes mixed separators)
	public static String getCanonicalPath(String basepath, String filename) {
		File f;
		if (!((f = new File(filename)).isAbsolute())) {	// Relative path?
			f = new File(basepath);			// Get path from base
			basepath = f.isFile() ?			// Base is a filename?
				   f.getParent() : f.getPath();	// Get directory only
			f = new File(basepath, filename);	// Combine base & path
		try { filename = f.getCanonicalPath(); }	// Resolve separators
		catch (IOException e) { return null; }		// File access error
		return filename;				// Fully resolved path

	// Load file fname into a character array
	public static char[] loadCharFile(String fname) throws IOException {
		File f = new File(fname);
		FileReader r = new FileReader(f);
		int len = (int)f.length();
		char[] chars = new char[len];
		if (r.read(chars, 0, len)==-1) chars = null;
		return chars;

	// Save a character array to file fname
	public static void saveCharFile(String fname, char[] chars) throws IOException {
		FileWriter w = new FileWriter(new File(fname));
		w.write(chars, 0, chars.length);

	// Read a file from an input stream and return it as a character array
	public static char[] loadCharStream(InputStream i) throws IOException {
		return loadCharStream(i, 0x1000);		// Default buffer size
	public static char[] loadCharStream(InputStream i, int bufsize)
	  throws IOException {
		BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(i));
		int n;						// Input block size
		char[] buf = new char[bufsize];			// Input buffer
		String s = "";					// String buffer
		while ((n = r.read(buf, 0, bufsize))!=-1)	// Read up to size bytes
			s += new String(buf, 0, n);		// Append to string
		return s.toCharArray();				// Convert to array

	// Return the filename (excluding directory path) of a URL
	public static String getUrlFilename(URL url) {
		String name = url.getFile();			// Get specified path
		if (name.endsWith("/")) return "";		// No name included?
		int i = name.lastIndexOf('/');			// Find last slash
		return (i==-1) ? name : name.substring(i + 1);	// Return remainder

	// Return URL filename (excluding path) or defaultName if no name is included
	public static String getUrlFilename(URL url, String defaultName) {
		String s = getUrlFilename(url);			// Get specified name
		return (s.length()==0) ? defaultName : s;	// Use default if none

	// Get the containing Frame of a component
	public static Frame getFrame(Component c) {
		return	(c==null) ? null :			// No parent Frame?
			(c instanceof Frame) ? (Frame)c :	// Component is a Frame?
			getFrame(c.getParent());		// Try parent component

	// Set the font size for component c
	public static void setFontSize(Component c, int size) {
		Font f = c.getFont();
		c.setFont(new Font(f.getName(), f.getStyle(), size));

	// Return a new button with the specified settings
	public static Button newButton(String label, String command, ActionListener a) {
		Button button = new Button(label);
		if (a!=null) button.addActionListener(a);
		return button;

	// Return a new menu item with the specified settings
	public static MenuItem newMenuItem(String label, String command, ActionListener a) {
		MenuItem item = new MenuItem(label);
		if (a!=null) item.addActionListener(a);
		return item;

	// Add an ActionListener to all items on a menu
	public static void addMenuListener(Menu menu, ActionListener a) {
		for (int i=menu.getItemCount()-1; i>=0; --i)

	// Remove an ActionListener from all items on a menu
	public static void removeMenuListener(Menu menu, ActionListener a) {
		for (int i=menu.getItemCount()-1; i>=0; --i)

	// Return a menu item in menu with the specified action command
	public static MenuItem getMenuItem(Menu menu, String command) {
		int i, num = menu.getItemCount();
		for (i=num-1; i>=0; --i) {
			MenuItem m = menu.getItem(i);
			if (m.getActionCommand().equals(command)) return m;
		return null;

	// Fill an area with a colour (preserves the current Graphics colour)
	public static void fillArea(int x, int y, int w, int h, Color color, Graphics g) {
		Color c = g.getColor();				// Store colour
		g.setColor(color);				// Set colour
		g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);				// Fill area
		g.setColor(c);					// Restore colour

	// Draw a string with word-wrap within a Graphics clip area
	public static void drawStringWrap(String s, Graphics g) {
		FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
		int asc = fm.getMaxAscent(), height = asc + fm.getMaxDescent();
		Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s);
		String line = "", word;
		int width = 0, w;
		int y = clip.y + asc;
		while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
			word = st.nextToken() + " ";
			w = fm.stringWidth(word);
			if ((width > 0) && (width+w > clip.width)) {
				g.drawString(line, clip.x, y);
				y += height;
				line = "";
				width = 0;
			line += word;
			width += w;
		if (width>0) g.drawString(line, clip.x, y);

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