Webber: A Website Construction Application


// HTML editor window

package library.html;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import library.*;

public class HtmlEditor extends HtmlWindow implements TextListener {

	// Editor File menu
	private String[] FileMenu = { "File",
		"New",		"New",		// Create an empty editor
		"Open",		"Open",		// Load a file into this editor
		"Close",	"Close",	// Close this editor
		"Save",		"Save",		// Save this text
		"Save As",	"SaveAs",	// Save this text with a new name
		"-",		"",		// Separator
		"Open Viewer",	"View",		// View the text in this editor
		"Clone Editor",	"Edit",		// Create a clone of this editor
		"-",		"",		// Separator
		"Prior",	"Last",		// Prior document in history list
		"Next",		"Next",		// Next document in history list
		"-",		"",		// Separator
		"Exit",		"Exit"		// Exit the program

	// Create and return the editor button panel
	private Panel getButtonPanel() {
		Panel p = new Panel(new GridLayout());
		p.add(Lib.newButton("<<", "Last", this));
		p.add(Lib.newButton(">>", "Next", this));
		p.add(Lib.newButton("Clone", "Edit", this));
		p.add(Lib.newButton("Viewer", "View", this));
		return p;

	// Process action events
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
		switch (getMenuActionIndex(FileMenu, e.getActionCommand())) {
		    case 0:	htmlFile.emptyEditor();	break;	// New file
		    case 1:	htmlFile.openFile();	break;	// Open file
		    case 2:	closeWindow(this);	break;	// Close window
		    case 3:	htmlFile.saveText();	break;	// Save file
		    case 4:	htmlFile.saveTextAs();	break;	// Save file As
		    case 6:	htmlFile.startViewer();	break;	// View text
		    case 7:	htmlFile.newEditor();	break;	// Clone window
		    case 9:	htmlFile.goHistory(-1);	break;	// Prior document
		    case 10:	htmlFile.goHistory(1);	break;	// Next document
		    case 12:	closeAllWindows();	break;	// Exit program
		    default:	super.actionPerformed(e);	// Propagate

	// Process window closed event to update the parent HtmlFile object
	public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {
		super.windowClosed(e);				// Call super-class
		htmlFile.editor = null;				// Update HtmlFile

	// Dummy handler for text-changed events
	public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) {}

	// Editor constructor
	public HtmlEditor(String title, char[] text, HtmlFile f) {
		super(title, f);
		reader = new HtmlEdit(text) {	// Create & customize HTML editor
			public Object getHref(String name) {	// Resolve HREF
				return htmlFile.getHref(name);
			public boolean openUrl(String file) {	// Retrieve URL text
				return htmlFile.openUrl(file);
		initWindow(FileMenu, getButtonPanel(), title, text);
		((HtmlEdit)reader).addTextListener(this);	// Monitor text changes

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