Notes on TheShip

Things have been moved around a bit.

The wind direction is now more likely to change (by 5 degrees per step).

The ship's log now stores time, speed and direction - see Ship.writeLog(). Ship.moveShip() now stores the ship's speed after calculating it so that it can be written to the log.

The ship and wind drawing methods Ship.drawShip() and Ship.drawWind() now output the sail setting, ship speed and wind speed as horizontal bars.

The target location is marked by a green square at a location defined by END_L, END_T, END_R and END_B in the TheShip class. The Ship.Arrive() method checks to see if the ship has arrived at the target location.

The ShowLog() method has not yet been defined. This is mainly because I am not sure how to calculate the straight line distance covered by the ship using the data stored in the log (time, speed, direction). Any offers?