BSc (hons) Computing

Advanced Modules

The list below shows the modules I have taken in four advanced-level semesters to follow the Software Engineering pathway through the BSc (hons) Computing course. Click a module-code to see the syllabus for the module. Click a 'Coursework' link for details of the coursework submitted for a module.

Note: The University has recently adopted a new coding system for the modules on this course. On this page, modules are listed with their new codes. The coursework pages, however, refer to modules by their contemporaneous codes.

Note 2: Everything that I still have from my degree course is on this website. Please do not contact me to ask for further information about any of the courseworks described here as I do not have anything more.

IM207: Data Modelling and Databases
IM270: Software Engineering - Coursework
IM210: Network Technology
IM211: Graphics & Imaging

IM203: Interactive System Design (HCI)
IM205: Algorithms & Data Structures - Coursework
IM208: Operating Systems
MS200: Discrete Mathematics 2

IM250: Project (1 of 2) - Coursework
IM255: Language Design
IM256: Formal Methods of Specification
IM257: Software Architecture - Coursework

IM204: Declarative Programming - Coursework
IM250: Project (2 of 2) - Coursework
IM264: Object-Oriented Concepts - Coursework
IM269: Programming the Internet - Coursework

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