Eamonn's PlaceLinks break, life goes on

This site contains information about my early work with computers and software. A few of my own software packages are available for downloading. Some info about my university education is also available.

Software Projects


Downloads Index

Sebastian Danicic

5/2/56 - 8/11/15

Eamonn Martin is at e.martin@gold.ac.uk

Some other astoundingly interesting people called Eamonn:
Eamonn Keogh Eamonn Fitzgerald Eamonn Armstrong Eamonn Andrews Eamonn McCann Eamonn Walker Eamonn Holmes Eamonn de Valera Éamonn Coyne Eamonn O'Brien Eamonn McManus Eamonn Fingleton Eamonn McGoldrick Eamonn McGrath Eamonn Wall Éamonn O'Callaghan Eamonn Hunt Eamonn Gaffney Eamonn O'Neill Eamonn Cotter